Application Hosting Solutions, Services & Experience

Power your applications with reliable hosting services.

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Applications Hosted with Juvlex


Explore Our Feature-rich Hosting Platform for the ultimate website experience

Effortless Drag & Drop

The intuitive and flexible drag & drop editor saves time on development with great speed.

Device-Specific Editing

Optimize your content for different devices with our device-specific editing tools.

Global Design Customization

Create unique designs for your website with our global design customization options.

Seamless App Integrations

Integrate your favorite applications seamlessly into your hosting platform.

Advanced Developer Mode

Unlock advanced development features with our developer mode for maximum customization.

Efficient Content Import

Import content seamlessly with our efficient content import tools.


Control Your Hosting Environment with Ease.

  • Drag & Drop Management Create and manage your hosting environment with intuitive drag and drop controls.
  • Customizable Fields Customize fields effortlessly to tailor your hosting setup to your specific needs.
  • Advanced Attributes Utilize advanced attributes to enhance the performance and security of your hosting.

Stay Informed with Email and SMS Notifications.

Receive instant notifications via email and SMS, keeping you informed about significant changes in your hosting environment.

  • Keeps you informed about critical events and changes in real-time.
  • Ensures quick response to potential issues and updates.
  • Enhances overall hosting management efficiency.

Automated Campaigns

Check real-time email and SMS previews to ensure effective communication with your audience.

Intuitive Interface

Effortlessly navigate through the user-friendly interface for seamless hosting management.

Enhance Leads

Modify and optimize your hosting environment to attract and retain potential customers.


Choose From Our Pre-Made Hosting Templates.

Explore a wide range of professionally designed templates, customize them effortlessly, and create a hosting experience tailored to your clients' needs.

Easy to Customize

Effortlessly customize and tailor your hosting environment according to your unique requirements.

100+ Templates

Select from a vast collection of templates to diversify and enhance your hosting offerings.

Clean & Unique

Create a clean and unique hosting environment that stands out in the competitive landscape.

Advanced Features

Empowering Your Business with Versatile Solutions You Deserve.

Real-Time Chat & Messaging

Enable seamless communication with your customers through an efficient and interactive chat section on your website.

Integrated eCommerce

Build a high-ranking and sales-driven online store with seamless integration of WooCommerce, enhancing the overall quality of your business.

Secure Payment Gateway

Enhance your customers' checkout experience by securely saving card details with our advanced payment system.

Appointment Scheduling

Streamline your business growth with our simple yet powerful scheduling platform that provides a single interface for managing your appointments.

User Testimonials

Our Clients' Experience Matters Most

Join Over 200,000 Satisfied Customers
with Our Hosting Services!

Experience our hosting risk-free — we don’t charge cancellation fees.

Let’s Get Started